Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Career Opportunities

 Virtually every career involves training or an education of some kind, whether it is on-the-job training or a college degree.  You can see this for yourself by reviewing the help wanted section of any newspaper or job-related website.  For some careers, you can get a head start in high school by taking courses that teach or reinforce skills you will need to have later.  This unit's activities will give you a chance to explore a career in some depth and develop a plan of action for landing a job in that field.  Regardless of which career paths you chose, write a one-page journal entry on how you are planning your career path to a career of your own.  What have you done, are you doing, and will you do to reach your career goals?


  1. Jett,
    I have been working on my dad's ranch since I was just a little guy. He has had me doing all sorts of odd and ends. I am still doing that because that teaches me responiblity and hard work will always pay off in the future.
    I will do anything that it takes for me to reach my goals. It will take hard work and determination but that is what I have been working for my entire life.

  2. Lizzy,
    There are many opportunites to get your career path going. What i have done so far to start my career is little because im only a sophmore. But i have been through school till now and have been working hard and i have volunteered at various things. What i am doing to help my career is by working hard in school and staying on track and getting my work done so i can move on in life. What i will do the rest of the way will make it through highschool with great grades and go off to college and start my career.

  3. Jesse
    i hope to sell parts at titan machinery like my dad does. i dont know why i want to do that...but ive already helped him at his job before and i can kinda already do it kind of. and id meet a bunch of people doing it becasue a lot of people areound here farm

  4. Kim,
    I have not yet decided my career choice. I am planning on going to collage, and having a normal college life. I have volunteered for some stuff but I still have a lot that I can do for my community. For now I just plan on doing good in school and keeping my grades up so that I can go to college.

  5. Kacie,
    There are a ton of opportunities out there is in the world today to get my career path started. I work hard in school and get good grades and do my best in everything that I do. I know what field I want to go into when i'm older, and when I finish college. I just need to get through all my classes with the best grades I can possibly get! I have always been in certain things and done certain things to learn responsibility and to exspand my knowledge on things i know, but could learn more of or from! I have also volunteered for various things within my community and school.

  6. Chantel,
    I am working my hardest in school and trying to stay up with my work as best as I can. If I continue to get good grades and stay caught up with my work, that will look good on my college application. I know what job I want to go into college for and persue my career in. I just have to try the hardest I can. It will take much hard work and a lot of responsibility. I have volunteered for many things and will continue to volunteer with certain things.

  7. Rachel,
    I am trying my hardest in school and in life, I try to stay caught up on my work. And trying to stay caught up in life. I volunteer a lot and it will help me a lot later in life. All of that will look good when I apply for college, and I am working hard now so I can work towards my goal of the job I want. I will continue to try my hardest in the things I do.

  8. Nelly,
    I havent decided my career choice, but i want to finish highschool and hopefully go to college. Maybe by then i'll have an idea on what i want to do with the rest of my life. But for now, i just want to work on school. School is my number one priorty , so that i can have the education i need for a career.

  9. Ben,
    i am planning on being in the airforce. the things that i am doing now is making sure that i dont get into any kind of serious trouble with law enforcement or anything that could ruin that. other things that i do is making sure to keep my grades up and do good in school that i learn alot so that i can get into college and so that i can keep my grades up in college. getting into the airforce will not be easy so i have to work really hard.

  10. Matt
    I have been working on our family ranch since i could pretty much walk. This is pretty much the thing Im gonna do for the rest of my life. One problem is that mom wants us to leave for at least 2 years just to experience the world so i suppose om going to go to either Nothr Dakota or Wyoming and work on the oil rigs so i can make a lot of money and maybe Ill stick with that. I dont think i need college for somthing i have been doin my whole life so thats what my career is gonna be.

  11. Sydney-
    I think I want to be a vet. I am taking all the science and math classes that I can. I have an advantage in science because my aunt is the science teacher. SHe is also good with math, so that will help me. I have a lot of experience with animals and other things so I would be a good vet.

  12. Collin,
    Im really not getting ready in school for my career because I will probly do what I am doing right now. i will probly stick with ranching. I love doing it and we have a good setup for it. I have done it since a little kid and injoy in.

  13. Tierny,
    I have not done many things to plan for my career, but I am going to high school and getting my diploma. I am a sophmore and hopefully will be in as many science classes I can. I would like to do something with animals and will need lots of science classes to get my degree. After high school I hope to go on to college at Northern State or Black Hills State. It will take me a long time to accomplish what I want to accomplish and I will have to work very hard. I have many things that I can go into and it will take a lot of responisbility and lots of late nights studying.

  14. Britt,
    The field that i plan to go into needs the majority of my classes to be math and science and to get into the school of my choice I need to be caught up with my work and get god grades. There isnt much i can do to prepare for my career field as for experience, but writing will be a major part in my career. I plan to go to collage and recieve my PhD. I have lots of community service and being in vsrious school activities will be great to put on a resume.

  15. Virtually every career involves training or an education of some kind, whether it is on-the-job training or a college degree. You can see this for yourself by reviewing the help wanted section of any newspaper or job-related website. For some careers, you can get a head start in high school by taking courses that teach or reinforce skills you will need to have later. This unit's activities will give you a chance to explore a career in some depth and develop a plan of action for landing a job in that field. Regardless of which career paths you chose, write a one-page journal entry on how you are planning your career path to a career of your own. What have you done, are you doing, and will you do to reach your career goals?
    I have not yet decided on my career. I plan on finishing high school and going to college of course and have a normal life there. I have helped volunteer with things for the community but I know I could do more that what I have done. All I know is that I want to succeed in school and keep my grades up so I can go to college.

  16. McKenzee,
    I am not real sure on what I want to do yet. However I am working hard in school, and staying organized throughout. I have volunteered at different places, and I try to be really involved with school activities. Im in FCCLA which I believe can help me prepare for my future career. To reach my career goals, I am going to continue to work very hard, and stay organzied then go off to college and start my career.

  17. Deidra,
    Well i hope when i get out of school. I want to go to a college were i can groom animals.Well i will study on how i can reach my goals to be a pet groomer. I vonlentrey at the Vet Clinic and that is were i groom animals.

  18. Anthony Touche
    i have not really worked for anyone except for when me and my dad go and fix fence. we go and do other stuff we are baisically the mechanics for this farmer that lives down by my place. Ive been trying to keep my grades up so that i can go to college. and i want to keep my grades good and basically just do well in school so that i can go to college.

  19. Chancey,
    I have decided what im going to do when I get older yet. I really love animals so I might run a pet boardering business. I havent much to reach my goals yet becuase Im a Sophmore but I will when i get older and go to collage. Im excited about working with animals because they make me really happy.

  20. brady-
    i am going to be a rancher. in high school i am just passing classes to graduate. i don't need to go to college to be a rancher. but i will anyway. living and working on a ranch teaches resbonsibility and hard work. i have been ranching since i was a little kid and that is what i plan to do for the rest of my life.

  21. Tristan,
    The career im planning on going in requires a lot of both physical and mental training. I have known what career I am planning on going in since I was about 11. I have been preparing for a long time. I know that if I work hard I will be able to accomplish my goal. I have done a lot and continue to do a lot to prepare for my career.

  22. Clay,
    I have been working on my dads farm since I was like 9 or 10. That is what I want to do for the rest of my life, unless I get a chance to play football somewhere. If I don't get a chance somewhere the plan is that I am going to Lake Area Tech for diesil mechanics. Thats what my dad went for in college, and it helped him a lot.

  23. jaxson
    i dont know what career i am going into for sure yet but i try hard in school and get good grades. i work on a farm during the summer so that teaches me about having a job and being responsible enough to show up to work on time everyday. i plan on going to college and to further my education. i dont know what college i am going to yet but i will go.

  24. Mary
    Right now i am working to make my college aplications look good and to gain some skills. I am in right now FCCLA, FFA, FBLA, and yearbook. i'm excited about the yearbook.
    I thought about what i want to do once i graduate highschool, to be honest i have no for sure idea. I'm not even sure what i would be good at. I'm afraid of going for a career that i end up hating in the future. I want a job where every night i can't wait to go back to.
    I like getting into people's heads and finding their tick and observing human socialization, and seeing what they do and don't do, what your not souppose to do or say to a person in certain situations.
    I like designing things but i tend to get bored really fast and i'm not really direct with my ideas. i thought about photography, but i don't think for me it is job worthy, maybe a hobby.
    I don't know i plan on taking some classes in highschool and maybe i will get attached to doing something i don't know. Hopefully.

  25. Brennan, I haven't really decided on a career yet. I'm hoping to be a boxer or a mixed martial arts fighter or a comedian or a actor. After high school, I thinking about going to college.In high school, I'm getting a diploma. You know what they say. You can accomplish anything when you put you're mind to it.

  26. Colin,
    When I get out of high school I want to go to college to be a physical therapist. This will take a lot of schooling, and a lot of practice can be done in high school. Later on in my career of high school I will take classes such as anatomy, and other courses that will help later in my schooling. Knowing more about your job will help and make it easier along the way.

  27. Hadley, I do not know yet what my career is going to be yet. But I go to school everyday and do my best. I like being around people so I think that will help me make a decision on my career. what I plan to do is get even better grades and not miss any days of school. I don't no any of my career goals because there is still a lot of careers that I yet might want to do. I no that there is still a few different things that I want to do but hopefully I will make a decision sometime in the future.

  28. Makayla
    My future career is still undecided. However, I'd like to do something that involves sciences like biology and chemistry. I hope that I can go to college and accomplish my goals to becoming a pharmacist or a equine veterinarian. It will take a lot of studying and hard work. I will have to really focus on my school work and try to keep up on my grades. Even though I am not completely sure on my future, I know that I want to have good grades my entire high school career. I hope that I will be able to accomplish all my goals when the time comes!

  29. Olivia,
    Although I have not strictly decided on a career yet, I am very interested in a career in politics someday. My plans include going to a school with a good law division and majoring political science while minoring in Speech and/or Journalism. Joining parliamentary procedure in high school and a debate team in college is a goal I have set for myself. I plan on being a very hands on person in life so that I would be able to share my experiences if I ever enter into a governmental career. Although I do not like the idea of a lot more school, I realize this kind of career requires a lot of learning and will therefore probably be attending 8 years of college rather than 4.

  30. Kaitlyn-
    When I grow up and go to college One of the careers I would like to pursue is veterinary science. I think one of the things I can do while I am still in high school is take a lot of science classes especially in biology, and animal sciences. Another thing I could do is job shadow someone who is already in the job and learn how to do some of things a vet does, and know if I really want that as a job. I have not already done a lot to pursue this as a career, but I am hoping to do more in the future.

  31. Josey,
    I have worked with horses all my life. I've been doing something different and a little more difficult every summer over the years. I love rodeo and working hard to be good at it. I think it will always be a big part of my life. Unless you have a lot of time and money, it's hard to pay the bills just being a cowgirl. Sooner or later I think I will have to get a full time job. To get that job I'll have to work hard in high school to help get ready for college. I'll have to work even harder in college to get a good job when I'm done. The better I do in school, the sooner I'll have a job and the sooner I'll be able to go back to doing what I love.

  32. Desi~
    I am thinking about going into the Cosmetology. In that career I will need a lot of science classes from High School. Some math classes can help too. After I get my High School diploma I will be heading to Souix Falls to attend Stewards. And after that I plan on maybe opening a place to do hair but that part is still undecided.

  33. Dani
    I have my mind pretty set on what I want to do as a career when I get older. However I haven't thought anything about my career path. I have good grades and work really hard to keep them good. I have volunteered in school things and with my church, however I am only a sophomore so I still have a bunch of opportunity's.

  34. Michael, my career path I want to go on would be working at pizza hut ,or dominoes, or any type of pizza place. my favorite pizza is little Caesars. I'm planning on graduating from high school but I know for a fact I'm not going to college. I'm not a big fan of school and college is to me like more school so I'm not planning on going. I might become a video game tester too.

  35. Jarret-
    Well I really have been thinking about a career, but I am going to think of what I want to do throughout school, but I have somewhat of an idea about what I want to do. There are a lot of opportunities for career.I plan on finishing school and going to college. But I would like to be in the law enforcement, or a coach.

  36. Nathan,
    Well earlier this summer I was working at a camp. I was kitchen staff, but it was a lot harder than I thought. At the end of the second week I had blisters on my feet, from standing up all day. Not to mention the 10-15 degrees hotter it was in the kitchen. I prefer a job that doesn't involve standing or has air conditioning. Like a Wal-Mart greeter.

  37. Calvin, For my career I would like to go into law like game warden, S.W.A.T, Policeman, and highway patrol. I plan on going to college I would like to go to SDSU but while im at college I would like to play sports like football or basketball at least be on the practice squad it would be fun to.

  38. Regardless of which career paths you chose, write a one-page journal entry on how you are planning your career path to a career of your own. What have you done, are you doing, and will you do to reach your career goals?

    When I grow up, I am thinking of being a Physical Therapist. I like this job because you get a national license so I can live where ever I want. I am already preparing for this because I try to get good grades. Good grades help you throughout a portion of your life so they're important. Even if this isn't the career I go into, trying hard in school helps you whatever you do.

  39. For my career I would like to be some kind of game designer. I really like to play al kinds of games. I know a lot about games and how they work. I feel like I would be really good at designing games. I hope I can one day make on of the best games

  40. Isaiah aka (Gibbon)
    For my career goal is to play college football for a division one college. If I dont make it to college for football I would like to join th military. The steps that I am taking to reach my goals are traing and going to football camps to better my skills and to inprove my preforamnce. I am also lifting weights and traing just in case I dont make it to college for football.

  41. Max,
    For my carreer i would like to do something in the medical field. I have grown up around my mom who works at a hospital in the summer and has taught me alot about it. I would also like to go on to play college basketballl and possibly prfessionally. That may not happen so i want to be prepared and go into the medical field as a physical therapist or a surgical tech. Another resaon that i would like to be medical person is to make good money.

  42. July
    For my career I would like to be a doctor or a doctors aide. I want to become a doctor because they heal people, and they try really hard to save them from death or diseases. I think that it would be cool to go to a medical school, and then I would kno more about how to heal people.Right now though I work during the summer a s a cook, and I like it, but it gets boring, so I think being a doctor would be more exciting.

  43. Kaitlynn
    I have many things I want to do, I have had my mind on being a Cheer Coach, Social Worker, Physical Therapist, or a family counselor. There are many things I want to do. Sometimes I go to CARR and just observe what they do, every time I go it makes my choice easier on what I want to be and go to college for. I receive good grades and work on my daily work and tests, so that way when I am ready, I can go to college.

  44. Shea
    When I think about what I want to do in the future is first I want to graduate high school and college. When I go to college I want to join a rodeo team. After college I want to continue ranching and I already have 2 cow and calf pairs that are all mine. I want to go to college for chiropractor, photographer, or agriculture business.

  45. Rachel, I'm really not sure what I want to do for a career yet but I hope to be doing something in the medical field. One thing that I'm doing to help is working during the summer so I can get money to help pay for college. I hope to keep working during the summers to help pay for college. Another thing is that I'm trying to get good grades so I can get into a good school for medical purposes. I hope to reach my goals and successfully finish school and college and work in a career that I like.

  46. Riley,
    Im not sure yet what I want to do. I don't plan on going to college. After I finish highschool I will probly continue working on my dads ranch for a while until i decide what i want to do next.

  47. Shelby,
    I have not decided exactly what I want to pursue as my career choice. I have always wanted to be involved in law enforcent. I haven't really done much to become a police officer, but I am currently exploring my choices. I want to go to Watertown for a 2 year training thing, I'm guaranteed a job with the Pierre police station if I do that, whereas if I just went into the typical police academy, I would not be guaranteed a job right away.

  48. Alia
    For my career I would like to go in to many things. One of the things I would like to do is marine biology. I like to go to the ocean and see the animals that live there. I have recently been thinking about being a FACS teacher. But I am also unsure for what I’m going to do. I get good grades and I am in sports. After high school I want to be in the National Guard.

  49. I want to be some kind of video games designer. I will go to college to be a video game designer. I haven't done anything to make this work. there isn't really any high school classes that can help get better for this. if I cant design games, I will also want to become a video game tester.


  50. Brittany,
    In the future, the occupation I would like to go into is either nusing or a nutritional educator. I am interested in the health benefits and the situations in the medical field. If i do not end up going into those I would like to go into the business field. Either way i would like to be very successful and make bank.

  51. Trey, For my career i would like to go to art institute online because thats what im good at and i like doing it. or i would like to go to SDSU to be a designer or any college that has those class. i really like working with photoshop.

  52. Cagney-
    I have definitely thought alot about my future career and what I want to do. I definitely want to stay with somehting agriculture related, but I am also very interested in law. Regardless of what I do I have done a lot of things to prepare myself. I have made sure that I am very active in as many areas as possible. I have participated in many activities that will help to improve my communication and leadership skills. Right now I do as well as possible in school by keeping up my grades and staying organized. Also, in years to come I will be sure to apply for lots of scholarships and do college visits as well.

  53. Joseph,
    My career goal is to become a carpenter. I am just in high school and I am working my way to college. I have
    taken a job this past summer as a carpet layer to get the feel for category of the line of work I want to do. I am planning on going to a trade school when I graduate to develop more knowledge for carpentry. I am also planning to take a business course so that someday I will be able to run my own carpentry business.
